Thursday, November 28, 2013

Forever Thankful

Major holidays always seem to surprise me. Not in the way of the last minute shopper, but in a way that I know a lot of families can relate to. Every year I think "Wow, we made it through another year and we're OK.".

I'm thankful for every opportunity I get to say that. Every chance I get to prove to my son that even in our worst of situations we can get through it together, as a family, and we will truly be ok.
We are in a much better place than we were two years ago, and every year since that year we have gotten stronger, bonded closer, and I have become a better mother because of the things he has taught me.

This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Salvation Army, handing out meals to the homeless. This is not a new feat for me, but it's a first for little man, and although I know I've raised him well, I was unsure of what he would say or how he would act. He does not have a filter, does not get that he may say things that can hurt other's feelings when to him it is just the plain and obvious truth.
He did more than impress me today, he astounded me. With no hesitation he walked up to people, asking them if they were hungry, and would they like a meal. He interacted with people and made jokes.  Suddenly I no longer saw my baby, but a little boy and the future young man he would be.
He made me proud that I was the one lucky enough to raise him.

This year I am thankful for many things, but I try to be thankful every day. I have a list I've taped months ago to my door to remind me why I should be grateful, why it is important to stay humble and never forget where I have been no matter how far I go. Every day has granted me new opportunities and I speak to more and more people that are leading this company toward an extraordinary path of success.

I don't believe in luck, just fate, so today I am thankful for that. Thankful that I always cross paths with people who have exactly what I need, because I know many people do not get as many opportunities as we have. I can appreciate it, because I know eventually I will be able to give back through larger acts, but for now I am grateful that I can give back in any small ways I can. I am especially thankful for people and family who see me as I am capable of becoming and not just who I am now. Without their confidence and help I know this road would be far less paved. That means so much and for it I owe them the best possible version of myself.

Happy Holidays everyone.


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